Perfect Pussy Use Lead Singer's Blood on Album Vinyls

16 February 2014 | 8:56 pm | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

 Don't worry, you read that headline right. 

Punk band, Perfect Pussy will release their debut album, "Say Yes to Love" on March 18th, a record they put their blood and sweat and tears into...literally. 

The special "Blood Edition" of the album is that perfect gift for a hardcore punk friend or a vampire or someone with a weird-ass blood fetish. The reason? Lead singer, Meredith Graves has actually put her own blood on the 180 vinyl pressings of the album. Don't worry, you read that correctly too. 

Now, in honour of this, we decided to make a list of five reasons why PP are the most punk band ever:

  1. Their lead singer's last name is GRAVES
  2. It is a girl singing, truly embodying the 'acceptance' of punk. 
  3. They have no twitter or facebook. Fuck social media!
  4. They put Graves' blood on the vinyl. 
We give PP ten-flaming-straight-edge-crew necks out of ten for punkness!

To no ones surprise, the Blood Editon has sold out.