Architects' Sam Carter Calls Out Groping & Sexual Assault At Shows

20 August 2017 | 5:50 pm | Alex Sievers
Originally Appeared In

"It is not your fucking body and you do not fucking grab at someone."

"It is not your fucking body and you do not fucking grab at someone."

So, I've been going over in my fucking mind about whether I should say something about what I saw during that last song...", suddenly states Sam Carter on-stage during this year's Lowlands Festival in Biddinghuizen, the Netherlands, on Friday.

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Instead of staying silent and simply moving on with their set, Carter defends an unidentified female punter who he saw being groped while she was crowd surfing, telling the onlooking crowd that “I saw a girl, a woman, crowd surfing over here, and I’m not gonna fucking point the piece of shit out that did it, but I saw you fucking grab at her boob. I saw it. It is fucking disgusting and there is no fucking place for that shit.

Now, I'm (sadly) sure that a few reading this will think that crowd surfing - whether it's done at metal shows, festivals, or otherwise - obviously leave's one open to being sexually assaulted. It doesn't. For there is a big fucking difference between merely holding someone up so that they don't fall to the ground or floor below and trying to grab at someone's breasts or groin area like a complete and utter fucking scumbag. Of course, going out to shows, crowd surfing, and moshing does mean interacting with others and physically being around people, and while you cannot control the actions of others, one shouldn't be groped or felt up merely because they wanted to partake in the fun - male or female.

Straight up, there is absolutely no place for sexual assault in any music scene. Period. That kind of shit is not on, nor will it ever be acceptable in any other setting, gig or otherwise. I also give props to Carter for not pointing out the  perpetrator, as I think in his position I would have done just have; potentially turning the large gathered crowd into an angry mob against this particular person (even if they did pull a cunt move), which could have been a whole other issue entirely and could have reaped other consequences.

Watch Carter's speech, captured by Dutch radio station NPO 3FM, below. And big udos to Carter and Architects for this too, even if that is something that we all should call out when and where possible.